Bitcoin NFT Review – Project Indigo on Stacks

On to part 15 of my series reviewing Bitcoin NFT Projects built on Stacks, today we’re going to take a look at a bleak futuristic timeline with Project Indigo. You can check out the first 14 NFT reviews in the series, right here:


The History of Project Indigo

This project was announced through Twitter on November 23, 2021. Mint date was December 16th and the public sale started on December 19th, with the collection selling out on the first day and racking up 100,000 STX in sales volume the next day.

What Was the Mint Price?

The mint price was 70 STX. With the price of STX at $2.07 on December 16, 2021, minting one Project Indigo NFT would have cost around $145 USD.

How Many NFT’s are there in this Collection?

There are 3,000 NFT’s in the Project Indigo collection.

What Do Project Indigo NFT’s Look Like?

Project Indigo NFT’s are center-facing pixelated human images with a Terminator post-SkyNet taking over kinda feel to them. Mostly bleak backgrounds and troubled looking main characters with a enough post-apocalyptic gear to fuel an entire season of the Walking Dead.

Interested in Bitcoin NFT’s? Well, you’re gonna need some Stacks. You can buy STX on OKCoin, the preferred exchange of the Stacks ecosystem. You can even earn $50 of Bitcoin as a bonus by using this link. And what’s better than free money? 

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What Are the Rarity Attributes of This NFT Collection?

There are ten variants in Project Indigo:

  • Background – Twelve between 2% and 11.4% rarity. Mostly ‘wasteland’ themed.
  • Accessories – This trait will only be present in 10% of tokens. This includes weapons like a shotgun, katana, arrow and machete.
  • Skin Tone – Pale, medium, gold, radiated, dark.
  • Clothing – Everything from “hoodie” to “orange punk coat.”
  • Nose – Nasal tube, gold nose ring, wide, flat. Interestingly enough 47% have “no” nose. Which sounded to me like half of the collection would be noseless creatures. How would that work? Could they have lost their nasal appendages in a nuclear blast? Do they just breathe through a hole in their face? Thankfully, I found out that this just meant a nose with nothing special to it. I think.

“Not your keys, not your coins” has never been more true. A hardware wallet is essential. Keeping your crypto tokens on an exchange exposes your assets to potential loss and theft. Ledger makes accessing your NFT’s and your crypto safe and easy.

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  • Jewelry – Gold or silver earrings.
  • Hair – Too many options to list.

  • Mouth – Several options, too many to list.
  • Eyes – Excuse me, but once again, too many options to list.
  • Holding – Only 13% of Project Indigo NFT’s are holding an object such as a spear, shock wand or a rose.
  • (Character Attributes) – This isn’t an actual subset, but these NFT’s are individual characters within a story, each with levels of strength, endurance, charisma, endurance, luck, etc.

What is the Rarest Project Indigo Bitcoin NFT

Project Indigo Wasteland #23, the character Marcus Worth, is the rarest in the collection. Since Project Indigo is based around a storyline, there are several major characters who hold similar rarity levels in the set.

Which Project Indigo Bitcoin NFT is the Dopest IHMO?

As someone entirely unfamiliar with the storyline, #367 clicked for me. He’s already got the party going with those lasers. And if melting someone’s face off wasn’t enough he’s got a shotgun, spear and a wifebeater! Whether it’s a post-nuclear landscape, or downtown San Francisco in 2022, here’s the guy you want on your side.

Interested in Bitcoin NFT’s? Well, you’re gonna need some Stacks. You can buy STX on OKCoin, the preferred exchange of the Stacks ecosystem. You can even earn $50 of Bitcoin as a bonus by using this link. And what’s better than free money? 

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How Far Along Are They on Their Roadmap?

I could not find a specific visual roadmap on their site. However, Project Indigo is unlike any other NFT in the Stacks ecosystem. Let’s cover a few of the important points.

First of all, this NFT operates as part of a story. Every story has its starting point and Chapter 1A focuses on the home base, “The Reach.” The direction of each chapter afterward is voted on by the Project Indigo community.

From The Reach, Wastelanders can leave and accomplish various missions. When leaving The Reach, they face a variety of threats and enemies. Take for instance, this charming creature that looks to be the polar opposite of those pleasant and cheerful Bitcoin NFT’s, Stacculents.

Make the choice to attack or run. If you run, you’d better hope your character has the requisite “speed” and “luck,” to ensure that they don’t become victim of an inverted food chain.

“An MVP version of Raid Mode is coming along. The initial release is planned to allow you to take one Wastelander at a time on a journey outside the reach in an effort to battle various threats, allowing you to level up characters and earn TOX. We expect this feature to be released in late April. Raid Mode will expand over time to feature more complexity, features, and encounter types.”

They’ve even added voices to some of

the characters, and I’m not gonna lie, whoever this is… she sounds pretty hot.

“Not your keys, not your coins” has never been more true. A hardware wallet is essential. Keeping your crypto tokens on an exchange exposes your assets to potential loss and theft. Ledger makes accessing your NFT’s and your crypto safe and easy.

 Find our how easy it is to make sure your coins are kept safe.

Honestly, there is so much going on with this project that it will take at least another day of research to include it all. So, with apologies to those who worked so hard on this project and to the five (yes, five) people who read this blog each day, I will direct you to the link to their newsletter before mentioning some of the highlights.

What Utility Does This Project Have?

Quite a bit. Their in-game currency (TOX) can be used to purchase equipment and NFT’s. Holders can acquire TOX by voting for story directions and holding partner NFT’s such as Megapont Apes, Bitcoin Monkeys, 3D Stacks Parrots and Crash Punks. You can also purchase weapons and armor. While perhaps not utility, this project is the first that I’ve seen that may release its music in NFT form. We all know that music is going to be absolutely massive in the NFT space. While no tracks are currently for sale, you can check them out on at this link.

The Project Indigo Bitcoin NFT Community

There are currently 860 owners of the NFT’s in this collection. The community has a Twitter page with over 1,700 followers. Their Discord has 1,500 members and their main website is right here.

How Much Do Project Indigo NFT’s Cost Today?

As of August 3rd, 2022, this collection has a current floor price of 90 STX. With STX currently at $0.47, purchasing one floor NFT will cost approximately $42 USD.

The Future for this NFT Collection

Solid. Their story concept is unlike anything I have covered to date on the Stacks ecosystem. The community-driven storylines will be huge. The graphics look good and the possibility of integration with other Stacks NFT’s should continue to drive interest in this collection, which should grow rapidly as the team continues to put the pieces of this story in place.

Where Can I Purchase Project Indigo NFT’s?

Project Indigo Bitcoin NFT’s can be purchased at:

Are Project Indigo NFT’s a Good Investment?

Stacks, the underlying blockchain of Project Indigo Bitcoin NFT

While none of this is to be construed as financial advice (please see the website disclaimer), anyone who reads this blog or follows my Twitter already knows that I am very bullish on the outlook for Stacks cryptocurrency, the underlying blockchain for Project Indigo Bitcoin NFT’s.

NFT’s on Stacks are absolutely exploding since their debut in 2021. In addition to their recent listing on Coinbase, the Stacks ecosystem is best represented on OKCoin, where you can get exposure to StacksArkadiko Financeand CityCoins like MiamiCoin and NYCCoin. Stacks is the protocol that brings d’Apps, NFT’s and Ethereum-like utility to Bitcoin. I am a believer that any exposure to Stacks comes with tremendous future upside potential. So, while everyone should do their own research before investing in any NFT or cryptocurrency, I think the future of most NFT projects on Stacks hold considerable promise.

-The Crypto Trend Analyst

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